my 7 year old bearded dragon (earl)is showing signs of a stroke.a few nights ago i noticed him kinda wobbly in we took him out an he was holding his head at a angle(to the side) and seemed different.he was eating and drinking.then i noticed hed been sick and was panting so we made his drink again an seemed pick up.he seem to be holding his head funny every now and again but seemed to be getting better.
untill i took him out of his tank and he doing it again and now struggling to walk yet not showing any other sign hes ill but my partner said it looks like the aftereffects of a stroke.he walks wobbly like he cant walk straight and no control over how he is walking.and holding his head funny but he keeps throwing him self backwards and then is stuck to move and seems like he paralyzed!!
hopefully he can make the night till i get him in the vets tommorow but could anybody help me im very worried.